Available courses

Hours: Approved for 7 Quality Assured hours 

Course Description: This course provides training in emergency preparedness including disaster and evacuation plans; safe sleep procedures including prevention of sudden infant death syndrome, shaken baby syndrome, and abusive head trauma; prevention and response to emergencies due to food allergies; building and physical premises safety; handling and storage of hazardous materials; proper disposal of bio-contaminants; administration of medication, prevention and control of infectious diseases including immunizations, and how to transport children safely.

Hours: Approved for 3 Quality Assured hours 

Course Description: This course will teach you how to safely administer medication to children in child care settings as well as how to document administration of medication. Completing this training meets the orientation requirement for administration of medication per the DELACARE Regulations. Successful completion of the assessment, means that you are certified and may administer medication to children in child care settings as long as you are at least 18 years old. This certification is valid for five years.

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Hours: Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: In this course, we will explore the underlying causes of the alarmingly high suspension and expulsion rates in early childhood education. We will also cover the plan to reduce these instances by implementing effective teaching strategies focused on relationships and environment. We will provide scenarios and examples that teach participants practical strategies they can immediately use in their classrooms.

Hours: Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours 

Course Description: This course will help you understand best practices in supporting physical activity for children from birth to age 17 and resources to help you implement the best practices in your early care and education or school-age setting. Lessons include best practices for Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers and School-Age Children. You will learn why physical activity is so important in the development of healthy children, best practices for each age group, creating policies, engaging families in healthy lifestyles, and about resources you can use in your program.

Competencies: Health and Safety 

Hours: Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: Gardening provides natural learning opportunities for children. In the child care setting, gardening offers children a new exciting experience while getting them outside to play and be active. In this course you will learn the benefits of gardening with children. You will also explore fun ideas for incorporating gardening into your lesson plans, field trips and activities.

Hours: Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: This course will provide learners with an understanding of the physical, social, and developmental benefits of exposing young children to nature and natural play. They will learn to incorporate outdoor play and natural exploration activities for infants, toddlers, and preschool-age children into their child care program. They will identify various opportunities to introduce nature into early care and education settings.

Hours: Approved for 3 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: This course will address how to recognize and report child abuse. Early childhood professionals will learn how to define and identify the four types of child abuse, describe when and where to report child abuse, identify what to include in a child abuse report, and explain what to do and what not to do when a child discloses abuse.

Competencies: Health and Safety 

Hours: Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: This course will review and analyze policies from the Office of Child Care Licensing in regard to safe spaces and safe transportation, discuss emergency plans and practices for the purpose of drafting an emergency plan for your sites, and integrate safe technology information into your existing program practices.

Competencies: Health and Safety 

Hours: Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: This course will identify common characteristics of infectious diseases, list symptoms and causes of allergies and asthma and help you analyze environments for the purpose of preventing and helping to control infectious diseases, allergies and asthma in your programs.

Competencies: Health and Safety 

Hours: Approved for 3 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: Attention infant and toddler teachers! Have you ever struggled finding activities to do with your children? If so, you don't want to miss this training. Using the Infant Toddler Toolkit is an online course that is designed to encourage participants to download and use the Toolkit on a regular basis. The course will show participants the format of the tool kit and how it can be used. The tool kit contains many developmentally appropriate, fun and meaningful activities that encourage movement and nutrition awareness for our youngest children in child care settings. Many activities "come to life" in this interactive, educational training. Teachers will learn the benefits of providing physical activities for infants and toddlers and their families. Each module contains classroom activities and a Healthy Home Connection to involve families.

Hours: Approved for 3 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: This workshop centers around foundational concepts related to Positive Behavior Management and how to focus on positive behavior in programs in order to increase prosocial skills and reduce antisocial skills in children.  It follows the guidelines as outlined in the Office of Child Care Licensing regulations with supporting guidance for following those regulations.

Competencies: Social-Emotional Development 

Hours: Approved for 4 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: Infants need the right nutrition, at the right time, to support healthy development. Early childhood professionals play an important role in helping infants develop healthy eating behaviors that last for life. In this course you will learn best practices for supporting breastfeeding mothers and infants, procedures and techniques for safe bottle feeding, recommendations for introducing solid foods and infant feeding techniques that encourage healthy eating habits.

Competencies: Health and Safety 

Hours: Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours

Course Description:  This course defines Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID), as well as identifying factors that place an infant in daycare at high risk. Risk reduction activities are presented to the daycare provider to help reach the goal of lowering the high percentage of SIDS/Unsafe sleeping deaths in the daycare setting.

Competencies: Health and Safety 

Hours: Approved for 2 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: This course defines what SBS is and what it is not, as well as identifies the most common reason that infants are shaken.  Crying behaviors are discussed with techniques that can be used to calm or sooth an infant.  Self-coping mechanisms for stressed providers are also explained, as well as the Delaware Mandatory Reporting laws.

Competencies: Health and Safety 

Hours: Approved for 6 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: This online course for Child Development supports the participants in engaging with content that helps build a foundation of understanding how children develop. It includes work with the Principles of Child Development from Developmentally Appropriate Practice, the characteristics of caregivers who build secure attachments with children, and the importance of assessment and evaluation of children, staff and programs to ensuring quality and optimum development opportunities for children.  

Competencies: Child Development 

Hours: Approved for 3 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: Participants in this course are invited to extend their current learning and understandings about assessment and observation by interacting with videos, sample observation notes and various other course materials.  The concepts and activities presented include work that is designed to enhance skills related to: using various forms of observation data, being effective in observing and recording data, and choosing best strategies to be accurate and effective with observation in programs and classroom situations. 

Competencies: Observation and Assessment 

Hours: Approved for 5 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: This course will introduce early childhood professionals working with young children of all abilities to the inclusive care and education model. This module will help early childhood professionals understand the philosophy and rationale for inclusion, including the legal requirements. Material will focus on the characteristics and principals of inclusive education along with learning strategies for working with families, who are critical partners in any inclusion effort. Through the process of examining current policies and practices providers will begin developing steps toward implementing more inclusion practices in their programs.

Competencies: Curriculum/Environment 

Hours: Approved for 14 Quality Assured hours

Course Description: Child obesity is at epidemic levels. One-third of the children in America are carrying too much weight. Early childhood programs can lead the way in educating young children and their parents on the importance of diet and exercise. This online course will give early childhood educators the knowledge base and practical strategies they need to make a difference.

Competencies: Health and Safety