Hours: Approved for 7 Quality Assured hours 

Course Description: This course provides training in emergency preparedness including disaster and evacuation plans; safe sleep procedures including prevention of sudden infant death syndrome, shaken baby syndrome, and abusive head trauma; prevention and response to emergencies due to food allergies; building and physical premises safety; handling and storage of hazardous materials; proper disposal of bio-contaminants; administration of medication, prevention and control of infectious diseases including immunizations, and how to transport children safely.

Hours: Approved for 3 Quality Assured hours 

Course Description: This course will teach you how to safely administer medication to children in child care settings as well as how to document administration of medication. Completing this training meets the orientation requirement for administration of medication per the DELACARE Regulations. Successful completion of the assessment, means that you are certified and may administer medication to children in child care settings as long as you are at least 18 years old. This certification is valid for five years.